"Great Passage of Time" A Song For Inner Reflection

For nearly the last decade, I’ve been presented with various opportunities to work with sacred plant medicine. I always felt that medicines used since ancient times, such as ayahuasca and tobacco, are a natural way to receive support in healing and to gain insight about one’s path in life. In time, I realized that if I were to ever sit with the medicine, the best way for me to receive its teachings would be to go to the source. This meant that one day I might travel to the Amazon.


This year, I was finally ready to heal old patterns, to receive insight about my life and to peer into the depths of my own dark shadow. Thus, the medicine called me to Riberalta, a frontier town situated among two massive rivers in the outer reaches of the Bolivian Amazon.

The Vision

While in ceremony, I received a vision that showed humanity as a species, evolving and ascending towards a more peaceful and mature existence. I saw humanity at the edge of Earth’s atmosphere peering towards the starry night sky. In the night sky resided a deep wisdom that we are all connected to.


Then came a vision of people huddled against a hillside with fairly steep but smooth hills sloping down towards the valley below. Their backs were turned as they watched the sun and moon setting over a mountain range off in the distance.

There they were, the people of Earth sitting cuddled together and bearing witness to great passages of time. Suns and moons rose and set like a movie in fast-forward. Great astrological events occurred as season after season changed the color of the valley. After reflecting on this experience, I came to the understanding that the vision I witnessed was the story of humanity here on Earth.



Two days after this profound vision while at the retreat, I was laying in a hammock inside our hut and gazing out at the lake. Gently swaying and playing the drum as I continued to process my experience with the plant medicine, a song seemed to come to me from out of nowhere. Excitedly, I called to my partner to come listen. After singing it to her, she looked to me and said “that song you just sang carries the energy of your vision”. I was deeply touched at the realization that I’d been gifted a song that carries such a beautiful essence.

A Sacred Song For Inner Reflection

For the best audio quality, listen with headphones

I’ve decided to call the song “Great Passage of Time” and feel that it should be shared with others. I invite you to play the song in a quiet, relaxed space where you won’t be interrupted. Take a few deep breathes and open yourself to receive whatever messages are wanting to come through for you.

This song can be particularly supportive if you’re not quite feeling balanced and are wanting to re-connect with yourself. Afterwards, it might help to write down your experience as this will help you ground the insights, thoughts, memories, emotions, visions that come to you.

Wishing you all the best on the journey ahead!